Monday, April 25, 2011

I made this with a water color, and some color chalks. I made this in due to tell people about smoking. Because some of people especially youngster, they smoke to make themselves look cool, why did they start it ? Because they want to have fun , something new that they never try it before , they consider it as a “fun” thing to do. Because I’m a youngster too, that’s why I can kind of understand what they want and all. “ it’s a fun way to die indeed” it means that it’s a fun way to kill yourself , it kills you slowly and it is fun for some people indeed. But we have to understand that not every “fun” thing is good for you, this type of fun seriously harms and kills you. So that’s pretty much the message that I want to tell in this piece.

This is one of my favorite project from the bunch. I really enjoyed making this Typography project so much. At first I made a rough sketch of the figure (Vintage lady) on the A3 sketch book using pencil. After that I traced the picture into a tracing paper. once I finished with it, itraced some letters with different sizes into the tracing paper,. And in final I used calligraphy pen to make the letter thicker and more clear.

In my Previous college in Indonesia, I had this project called space, movement and scale project. space: we were taught how to arrange a good space between one object and the other one. Scale : they taught us about different scales of object. How to size the scale properly.
Movement : we were taught about how make a strong movement with a good structure.
So in final after I made each one of them , I combined all of those methods into one. I made it into a figure of a bizzare tree

I made this postcard using Baskerville. before I made this I did some research about baskerville it self, in order to understand what kind of style , what’s the mood, and how does the letter look like. I found baskerville is a trasitional type. Its between the modern look and the classic look. It’s growing from the old era to the new era. So I made it like a tree, it’s growing and it stopped in the middle, so even though it’s a big tree but it hasn’t got any leaves yet.

These three was my project from my previous college in Indonesia, my tutor told us to invent our own type of letter, but the theme has to be psychedelic and we had to write a symbolic words of psychedelic. So I made a research about psychedelic and I found myself really into this style, I love psychedelic, because basically Im into something colorful, quirky, lots of details and I found them all in psychedelic. I really enjoyed the research and enjoyed making this project. So I made my own type of letter and wrote Art, Love and peace for the words.

For this project I took some photos from everything around me that can be use as a letter. So I went to places to find some interesting stuff that I can use for the project. I took picture of ball, chair, lamp, tree and many more. After that I traced the outline of the letter with tracing paper and I traced it back into A3 sketch paper. After it traced perfectly I colored it with color pencil.

I drew the two first with a chalk cole , I didn'tt make to much details to the face because I just wanted to focus on the structure and his body. The rest of them I made it with a pencil for my previous college task. It was really fun drawing people, I absolutely enjoy life drawing.

I made this sketch about a year ago with me as a model, I didn’t use any picture of me and copied it. I drew myself in front of the mirror, it was my first time trying this technique, I thought it would be hard to do, but after I tried it, I found it not as hard as I expected.i rather enjoyed it

I made these two over than 6 months ago. for the first picture, I was inspired by a comic book about a Greek angel. that symbol on his left shoulder it means “angel” in ancient Greek language. I made him only with single wing because I want to show even an amazingly beautiful creature has it’s own flaw. And as we can see from his expression that he looks really proud of what he has.Eventhough he’s an angel which well-known as a flawless creature he doesn’t seem to be embarrassed about his flaw. I want to show that we can change our flaw into something good for us, and never embarrassed about our flaws and be proud of what we have. I really love everything related to ancient history. It gives me thousands of ideas and it inspires me a lot. For the second picture, I was actually inspired by someone that I met on the street back in my home country, Indonesia . I was really stunned by his sense of fashion and I really adore his style, he looks exactly like my sketch except his hair was brunette, but I think it’s better if his hair black, so I made it black and white.

I made a rough sketch with pencil first then after that idrew it again with black spidol to make it more thick. And after that I put the message in the middle then I added some colors on it. the sentence is “mind others’ ears please” it’s pretty much to tell people to behave themselves in front of other people, to actually have some attitude and try to care about other people’s privacy and also their feelings. In this picture I made the bear as a dad , the tiger as a mom and the rabbit as their little daughter. I wanted to show how parents should really control the themselves in front of their children, they sometimes act , talk and think like a child when they’re having a fight with each other, and they dont even care about their surrounding. so thats pretty much all of the messages that I want to tell in this work.

I made this book cover for my project in my previous college in Indonesia. I love putting eyes, nose and mouth in all of my works, almost all of my works have them somewhere inside it. and I love playing with cube, circle and triangle, I think they’re interesting and beautiful .

This is some of my samples of my photography project

The left picture is is a brief explanation for my Lazarus project , our tutor gave us a random haiku and we should explain what’s the meaning and give an explanation about it. So this is my explanation page.

Color : strong colors (strong bright and dark colors)
Texture : Cloth, Plastic, Wool, Paper, Net, Rope, Plastic, Glove, dried Leaves.
Shape : leave shape , circle shape, triangle shape, cube shape
Meaning : The world is a really cold and cruelpalce , even a care free someone still needs a protection .
Mood : Crazy, Unique, Sad
the right picture is my final page project for Lazarus . Why did I put the yellow glove with a crying face on it. because as we can see in the haiku , that crying glove plays as the monkey, that person looks really messy yet colorful shows that he/she is a carefree person, just the type of person who wouldn'tt mind crossing a busy road with his/her eyes close, and I also put a feather on that person , shows that he/she is actually as weak as a feather. And that wire plays as the umbrella , the “protection” doesn’t have to be a thing, it can be a person too. And that rain plays as the storm .

This project is my final project for my comping class in my previous college in my Indonesia. Theprojecy called “ Book of me” it’s a book about myself. So I made the cover like this because beside fine art and Graphic design I also into Fashion, so I made it fashionable.

This is the first and second page in my “Book of me” book. I made the first page looks like a girl body in batik ( indonesian traditional cloth ) dress, with my name as a tattoo on her neck. And the second page , it’s just to inform the reader that its my property .

These are the third, fourth, fifth and sixth page . The third page tells the reader to look inside the eyes, so they can understand more about me. And basically means read more about me. The fourth page tells about my favorite quote which is “come forth into the light of things , let nature be your teacher”. The fifth page it’sjst my photo but I made it like a little bit popped up from the frame, the sixth page tells about my date of birth and I put a photo ofjakarta above the date, so it tells that I was born in jakarta on that date .

This is the seventh and the last page . It’s actually connected into one page. It tells about my favorite model in fashion industry . I made it popped up , so when people open the page the models will popped up, it’s like they’re standing on the stage .

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